What to Look for When Hiring an Immigration Consultant in Saudi Arabia?

immigration consultant

Good immigration consultants are hard to find in Saudi Arabia, especially if you don’t have friends or family to guide you in the right direction. But the truth of the matter is that there are some telltale signs of a good immigration consultant that can help you weed out the bad ones, so let’s take a look at seven of those here.

7 Qualities of a Good Immigration Consultant in Saudi Arabia

#1. They Should be Licensed

A good immigration consultant should be licensed. To get this certification, the consultant must have knowledge about different types of visas and a degree that is related to their field. They should also have more than five years of experience in their field. When considering an immigration consultant, you need to make sure they are experienced with the type of visa you are applying for. An experienced consultant will help you avoid mistakes or delays when filing your application and will ensure you meet all the requirements needed to apply for your desired visa.

#2. They Should have Experience

The first quality of a good immigration consultant is experience. This can be hard to judge without talking to the consultant, but it's something to pay attention to when you're meeting with them. A lot of consultants are recent immigrants themselves, so they have some background on what it means to immigrate and what your situation may look like. 

Plus, they know the system inside and out, which will be really helpful for you when you're trying to understand your options. In addition, if they've been helping people for a while and their business is still successful and growing, then that's another indicator that they know what they're doing.

#3. They Should have Connections

Connections are important for an immigration consultant because it can be very difficult to navigate the Saudi Arabian bureaucracy on your own. They should have connections with people who know how the system works and can make sure you're following all the right procedures. You'll also want them to have connections in other countries, so they can help you if you need it. 

They should also have connections with banks and other financial institutions, so you can easily access your money if you need to. They'll be able to explain how your finances will work, what forms you need to fill out, and whether there are any tax implications for working abroad.

#4. They Should be up to Date

A good immigration consultant should be up to date on the latest rules and regulations. They should also know how to deal with people from all walks of life, as they will be working with clients worldwide. Their ability to speak other languages is important, as most people will want to communicate with them in their native language. 

The best consultants are those who can identify when someone needs help and take the initiative to offer assistance. The best consultants also give clear, concise advice that helps their clients make informed decisions about their cases.

#5. They Should be Available

An immigration consultant should always be available to their clients. They should also be clear and concise with their advice and know the laws inside out. A good consultant should always provide different options for clients so that they can make an informed decision about their own case. An immigration consultant should also have extensive knowledge of all types of visas as well as the ability to research information quickly and efficiently.

#6. They Should be Trustworthy

An immigration consultant should be trustworthy. This is why it is important to choose the right person for the job. It is wise to ask for recommendations and do your own research before you commit to hiring someone. You should also feel comfortable with their level of experience and knowledge about immigration law. You will want to find out how much they charge as well because this can vary from one person to another.

#7. They Should be Reliable

A good immigration consultant should be trustworthy and reliable. They must also be knowledgeable, professional, and compassionate. A great immigration consultant will help you understand the process and what to expect, which is so important when dealing with difficult situations. 


There are many good immigration consultants in Saudi Arabia. In order to find the best one for your situation, consider the following qualities: experience, success rate, knowledge, price, flexibility and accessibility. ThinkDirect BPO is one of the most experienced immigration consulting firms in the country and has an impressive success rate. They have excellent knowledge, but their prices can vary depending on your needs. If you need someone who will help you with anything you need at any time of day or night, they're available by phone 24/7.


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